Reschooling Posts // August 28th - September 3rd 2022
Walking the Walk: Deschooling our ALC
September 2, 2022 from Radical Learning Talks
What do you do when you realize that your dream project no longer matches how you want to feel or how you want to do things? Well, in our case, when it comes to our ALC Explora, we decided to deschool the whole project! What will it look like? Listen in and learn more about it!
Teachers Turned Unschoolers, Episode 282 Flashback
September 1, 2022 from Living Joyfully with Unschooling
This week on the podcast, I'm revisiting a popular compilation episode from last year. Many people have asked me whether any former or current teachers have been interviewed on the podcast. And the answer to that question is a big YES! We have had more than 20 podcast episodes featuring guests who were or are teachers or university professors, who study education, or even who teach education courses.
Clock Watching, Short Lessons and Curious Questions
September 1, 2022 from Stories of an Unschooling Family
This morning, after a long break, I dusted off my mic, sat down and made a new podcast episode! I enjoyed doing this, but I don’t know if I’m back permanently. Can I afford to keep podcasting? Can I afford to keep blogging? (I recently received some huge hosting bills.) Do I still have enough stories to share? Does anyone still want to listen? I talk about these questions in episode 190.
Mom Found Guilty of Not Being Paranoid Enough
August 31, 2022 from Free Range Kids
A mom was put on an Arizona blacklist for letting her son, 7, play at park with his friend, age 5, for half an hour, while the mom bought a Thanksgiving turkey during COVID. She was hesitant to bring the kids into the store and they wanted to play outside. (I’m not naming the mom, to protect her privacy.) That was in 2020. I testified as an expert witness at the mom’s hearing this spring and just got the 60-page transcript of the 3-hour ordeal. Reading it, I realized her real crime was…being rational.
Are We Being Dogmatic?
August 31, 2022 from Rethinking Self-Directed Education
Join us as we talk with Meghan from The Unschool Files about cancel culture and its relevance to the SDE movement, ways we each approach differences in opinions and values, especially with other other unschooling and SDE folks, and when we do feel it’s important to call someone in and invite a conversation.
Reading & Writing With Phonics
August 30, 2022 from Honey! I’m Homeschooling the Kids
As a homeschooling parent, are your worries focused on your children learning to read? Are you unsure where to start? What to do? Or how can to make it fun and engaging, instead of difficult drudgery? I get a lot of questions from homeschooling and unschooling parents about learning to read. Every one wants the magic bullet.
Can Video Games Be Safe Places For Our Kids (And Us)?
August 30, 2022 from Stories of an Unschooling Family
Do kids who are denied their freedom want to spend a lot of time on their devices? Do they retreat into their games because, unlike the real world, they’re in control of these virtual ones? Do kids use games as a safe refuge from a sometimes difficult real world? Are devices and video games and the reason kids want to spend so much time in front of their screens more complicated than we first imagine?
Trying New Things
August 29, 2022 from Copasetic Flow
In her most recent blog post Evelyn Krieger asked if readers were trying new things, and it reminded me, that yeah, the kids and I are in the midst of that! We've taken up an unfamiliar sport—Bay swimming in San Francisco—wrapped in a familiar one from when I wa a kid—competitive lap swimming in a pool. It was one of the kids here, the seven year-old aka Tawnse who got me back into the water.
How Our Education System Kills Creativity
August 29, 2022 from Black Dad
Do you wonder if our education system kills creativity? In this clip of my critique on schools I discuss a brief history of public education in America and how that plays a role in why our education system is failing our children. The video was inspired by Sir Ken Robinson and John Taylor Gatto (may they both rest in peace) as they were two of the original leaders that helped open my eyes to our flawed education system. This video is a clip of my why I quit teaching to homeschool video.