Can we talk about mother rage?
July 15, 2023 from Radical Mothering
Nobody wants to openly say they are a ragey mother. Nobody wants to be an angry parent. I remember doing a story on IG years ago, without thinking about it much, where I basically said I was going to the gym to burn off the mum rage, and someone (another mother, in fact), commenting this: “that’s interesting.”
The Great Educational Awakening is Here
July 15, 2023 from Let 'em Go Barefoot
On May 22nd, 2023, the Governor of North Carolina (my state) issued an unprecedented State of Emergency for Public Education in response to Senate Bill 406, “Choose Your School, Choose Your Future”. I learned about it on Twitter and gave it a listen. Over the next five minutes, the Governor made claims, predictions, and accusations about public education.
What Are The Qualifications For Homeschooling A Child With Special Needs?
July 13, 2023 from Different By Design Learning
“What Are The Qualifications For Homeschooling A Child With Special Needs?” It’s a question I am asked all the time. “Aren’t you worried that you are keeping him from really getting the help he needs?” “You don’t want your son to miss out on the professional help the school system provides.”
What if-ing about children.
July 13, 2023 from Radical Mothering
What if we believed that children were born with innate wisdom. What if we believed that we didn’t know best, just different. What if we woke up one morning, and the adult world could see clearly that children are whole, fully-formed people – worthy of many of the same rights as adults, worthy of protection AND respect.
Low Demand Life with Amanda Diekman
July 12, 2023 from Consent-Based Everything
I chat to Amanda Diekman, parent coach and autistic mother of neurodivergent children, about Low-Demand Parenting, her journey to celebrating her family's Neurodiversity, and her new book! It's a beautiful chat and we talk about radical acceptance, permissiveness, inner work and so much more.
Making Sanity Look Crazy: A Media Primer
July 12, 2023 from Free Range Kids
It’s like steak seasoning. The media takes a rather straightforward story and liberally sprinkles its favorite seasoning on it — a zesty mix of fear, hypothesizing, and cherry-picked “man on the street” interviews — and voila! A yummy story the public gobbles down.
Podcast: Supporting Learners Through Occupational Therapy with Sarah Collins
July 12, 2023 from Brave Writer
Dive into a captivating conversation with our special guest Sarah Collins, a skilled occupational therapist turned homeschooling consultant. I met Sarah, known for her lively and engaging conversations, at the Michiana Homeschool Conference and there began an insightful dialogue about the powerful impact of her work.
Strengthening Executive Function Skills: A Conversation with Sarah Collins
July 12, 2023 from Raising Lifelong Learners
Executive function skills are essential when it comes to homeschooling neurodivergent children, but sometimes it’s tough to know just how to incorporate teaching them into our everyday lives so we can help our kiddos become the best versions of themselves.
#46 Unschooling and shifting our parenting paradigms, with Chelsea in LA
July 11, 2023 from The Unschool Space
Today, I’m chatting with Chelsea, who lives in LA with her husband and two sons, who are 10 and 6. Chelsea had never planned to unschool, and in fact her older son was very happy at a project-based school in his earlier years. She tells us about why they made this choice and what it has meant for her family.
Life Unschooled: Living and Learning Without School
July 11, 2023 from Let ‘em Go Barefoot
Ann Hansen, of Inner Parent Coaching, and I have been diligently working to bring this beautiful, 43 page guide to life for new unschooling or unschooling curious families. It’s also for anyone already unschooling who could use a boost of confidence or assurance that your children are learning all the time.
Cakes Without Recipes
July 10, 2023 from Think Again
When my children were small, they loved to bake. We had children’s cookery books everywhere, with pictures taking you through what to do, step by step. ‘Measure out the flour’ and ‘Use a wooden spoon to beat the sugar and the butter together’. The children in the pictures wore chef’s hats and clean aprons. They had clean faces.
Consent-Based Education Connection Day – Wednesday 26th July 2023, Near Buckfastleigh, Devon.
July 9, 2023 from Sophie Cristophy
Join me for a simple home-cooked lunch, to network, chat and catch up about how things are going in your consent-based ed inspired life and work. Lunch will be vegan, nut and wheat free. Please ask regarding any other dietary requirements.
thank you for sharing! <3