2.1 self-directed education is a political act
June 24, 2023 from The Unschool Files
it's season 2 of The Unschool Files Podcast! this series of episodes is dedicated to Self-Directed Education and Community Care - each episode will feature conversations with facilitators, young people, parents, teachers turned SDE practitioners + youth rights advocates on how their centers, schools and co-ops are meeting the unique needs of their communities. we will hear conversations that cover everything from how they make decisions, handle conflict and provide a space for autonomous learning with a focus on community care, and everyone's needs being met. we will be stepping out of theory and into practice.
Barefoot University with Amber and Madeleine
June 20, 2023 from Let 'em go Barefoot
Bring Your Kids Along
June 20, 2023 from Brave Writer
Go forth and be interested in life! And bring your kids along. They’ll thank you for it when they get older. Nothing is more enticing than an adult’s activities that feel a little beyond the current skills of your child.
Show The Nice Man Your Resume, Mason: When Parents Tag Along on Job Interviews
June 19, 2023 from Free Range Kids
A recent front page article in the Wall Street Journal chronicles a problem that seems to be a sign of the times: Parents accompanying their kids on job interviews. And calling their kids’ bosses to demand better treatment. And showing up at their kids’ jobs to fight their battles. These stories can seem apocryphal, but The Journal’s Te-Ping Chen dug up some jaw-dropping examples. One Seattle restauranteur recalled a co-worker whose mom asked the manager to let her son have Sundays off to watch football. That idea got sacked.
Gentle Parenting and Anti-Capitalism
June 19, 2023 from Swimming Upstream
A few months ago, I published a zine called The Authoritarian Parent is Mother Culture. The zine was well received and quite a few people commented on how much it resonated, which obviously always feels great to know the thing I put out into the world are meaningful. But I wanted to come back and take some time to better explore the intention behind the zine, because I think it was widely misunderstood.
Learning To Drive With Learning Differences: A Parent’s Guide
June 18, 2023 from Different By Design Learning
A teen with learning disabilities necessarily requires a different approach to academics in school. But what about when it’s time to learn to drive? This parent’s guide to learning to drive with learning differences provides practical resources and support as you get started.
The Gem Jar
June 19, 2023 from Think Again
We had a Reward Jar at my primary school. A large glass jar, and when the whole class was well behaved for the whole day a gem would be dropped into it. If we got enough gems, then we would get a reward. Nothing big, half an hour to choose what we wanted to do on a Friday afternoon, or a couple of mini eggs.