Reschooling Posts // March 12-18 2023
How Do You Make Time To Plan Lessons? (Q&A)
March 18, 2023 from Stark Raving Dad
"I'm a High School teacher thinking of homeschooling my four and six year olds. My question is - how do you make time to plan lessons?!" This answer will either terrify you or free you: don’t plan any lessons. (actually, it’ll probably do both - starting with the terrifying bit, but eventually becoming freeing)
AERO Conference FAQ
March 17, 2023 from AERO
What are the Dates of the Conference? June 23 – 25th, 2023
What Time Zone is the Conference In? All times are Eastern Daylight Time – USA
What Does It Mean That The Conference is a Hybrid? This means there will be both In – Person (at LIU Post) and Virtual sessions happening during the conference.
41. Busting Myths Around Unschooling Tween & Teens
March 17, 2023 from Radical Learning Talks
There is so much talk in unschooling/ deschooling circles around supporting younger kids, but we seldom hear about what unschooling with tweens/ teen.
Q&A Deep Dive, Episode 344
March 16, 2023 from Living Joyfully with Unschooling
In this week’s Exploring Unschooling podcast episode, we’re diving deep into a listener question submitted by Julie: ** I'd really like to be a better example of someone who follows their passions. My husband would love to do a job more suited to his passions, but feels stuck. How would you encourage parents to best unschool themselves? **
Self-Paced Online High School Classes For Homeschoolers
March 15, 2023 from Different By Design Learning
Meeting state requirements for high school graduation in your homeschool doesn’t have to be complicated. Self-paced online classes have everything you need to keep the flexibility you love while learning at the high school level in your homeschool.
Homeschooling Your Neurodiverse Kid
March 15, 2023 from Raising Lifelong Learners
You have neurodiverse kids. They are gifted. They are twice exceptional. They have anxiety, perfectionism, or sensory processing disorder. They are on the autism spectrum. They have a mix of neurodiversity. I am right there with you and I want you to know that It is possible to thrive as a homeschooler. I believe with my whole heart that homeschooling is the best possible educational choice for kids like ours. I’m here to help you with that.
The Unschooling (Hero's) Journey with Pam Laricchia
March 14, 2023 from Let ‘em Go Barefoot
#38 How children naturally educate themselves, with Peter Gray, author of Free to Learn
March 14, 2023 from The Unschool Space
I’m so delighted to be talking today with Peter Gray, author and research professor at Boston College. Many of you will have read his wonderful book, Free to Learn, or his regular writing for Psychology Today about children, play and learning.
Is Home Just too Nice?
March 13, 2023 from Think Again
When a child is struggling to attend school, one of the things which parents tell me that they are told is to make home less fun. I was shocked when I heard this. I thought it must be a rare example, but every time I talk about it, more parents come and confirm that they too have been told to do this.
Ep 8: Give Children the Vote with John Wall
March 13, 2023 from Consent-Based Everything
Fran chats to John Wall about giving children the vote! We discuss barriers and preconceptions about children's suffrage, how it's actually not such a scary idea.