Captured Moments #24
March 9, 2024 from
Hello friends, how are you this weekend? This week has stretched on! Dealing with car troubles threw a wrench in our plans, making it tough to juggle work and the kids' activities. But you know what? It forced us to take a breather, to ease into a slower pace. And when the sun decided to grace us with its presence, it was like a warm hug, lifting our spirits. Lately, our schedules have been jam-packed, with time slipping through our fingers, which is not how I like to feel.
Expanding Horizons
March 8, 2024 from
Incorporating graphic novels into unschooling is a creative and effective approach to engage students in a variety of subjects. Graphic novels, with their combination of visual and textual storytelling, can enhance learning and comprehension in a way that traditional texts may not.
Unschooling as an Adult
March 8, 2024 from
Unschooling as an adult is a somewhat confusing idea. If unschooling is a reaction to compulsory, conventional education, what does it mean to “unschool” when you’re no longer legally mandated to attend school? Some self-identified “adult unschoolers” grow up unschooling. Some are the parents of child unschoolers. And some, like me, discover unschooling as already-schooled adults and felt powerfully attracted to the concept.
Proceed with caution: how theories of child development can cause harm
March 8, 2024 from
We’ve all been there. Maybe you were pregnant, reading up on what to expect from the first weeks and months. Maybe you wanted to know when they would say their first words, start walking, or sleep through the night. Maybe it was when they were throwing food from their highchair at every meal, and you wanted to know if other children did this too - and when it would end!
Cultivating Curiosity for a Thriving Homeschool
March 6, 2024 from Raising Lifelong Learners
When it comes to educating children at home, it’s essential to foster an environment that is not only conducive to learning but is rich in resources and experiences that encourage their natural curiosity.
A National Awakening
March 7, 2024 from
Dear Friends and Supporters, It’s with a heart full of hope and a vision for change that I reach out to you today. Eight years ago, I embarked on a mission that began with the Albany Pop-Up Adventure Playground—a mission deeply rooted in the belief that education should be a joyful, curiosity-driven journey. What started as a local initiative to bring unstructured play and learning to our community has grown into something much larger than I ever imagined.
[Podcast #227] The Learning Game with Ana Lorena Fábrega
March 6, 2023 from Brave Writer
There’s a big difference between “the game of school” and “the learning game.” Ana Lorena Fábrega picked this up as a kid when she went to 10 different schools by the time she was 15. She learned it again as an educator herself. Today Ana joins us on the Brave Writer podcast to discuss her book, The Learning Game: Teaching Kids to Think for Themselves, Embrace Challenge, and Love Learning.
What’s on for Season 3?
March 6, 2024 from Radical Learning Talks
We are talking about public funding, conventional school disruption, and coalition building. We are going to dig in on ways we can (or can not) work within the school system and public funding models to bring more SDE options, and equity in SDE options, to the movement. We will also talk about what is disruptive to the systems, and what is more harm reduction, and how far we can go in conventional school classrooms and systems. It’s a lot!
How we radicalize ourselves with Sara Sadek
March 6, 2024 from
Hello friends! I’m excited to start another series of podcast conversations, focused on bringing you ideas and experiences of others who have chosen to challenge norms and assumptions around what it means to raise children, to mother and to live in ways that centre autonomy, consent and collective liberation.
What Age Would You Let Your Child Go to a Different Aisle at the Store?
March 5, 2024 from Free Range Kids
The University of Michigan survey that came out in the fall had all sorts of shocking stats: The majority of parents of kids ages 9-11 would not let them walk to a friend’s house, or go to the park with a friend. Only 15% — this was a national sample of 1000 parents across the demographic, geographic and economic spectrum — would would let them trick or treat without a chaperone.
Kids can’t go it alone in self-directed education
March 5, 2024 from
Sometimes we see the idea that unschooling means pulling your kids out of school and leaving them to their own devices (literally and/or figuratively), with little adult input or guidance needed. But let’s not confuse unschooling, which is an educational philosophy that focuses on self-directed and supported learning, with educational neglect.
A Tiny Confession
March 5, 2024 from
In the whirlwind of home education and the ceaseless demands of family life, finding moments of rest becomes not just a luxury but a necessity. For me, the secret lies in the simple pleasure of taking a bath, a sanctuary where water becomes my haven and solitude my companion.
The Inside of EBSA (emotionally based school avoidance)
March 4, 2024 from
I’ve been talking to young people who have struggled with school attendance. Sometimes called school refusers, or phobics, or those with emotionally based school avoidance (EBSA). They tell me stories of what happened to them at school - and all of them tell me about about controlling environments which caused them high levels of distress.
Alone or Independent?
March 3, 2024 from Brave Writer
Some home educators believe (whether true or not) that kids in school are basically learning independently. School kids get themselves to and from class, jot down the homework assignment, complete the work often without assistance, and return that work to school. Homeschool parents wish their children would get their work done without: help, reminders, cajoling.
My Dream of Unbounded Learning
March 3, 2024 from
In an age where knowledge is more accessible than ever, yet often confined within the walls of institutions and bound by the strings of financial and societal constraints like age, a revolutionary concept emerges to redefine what it means to learn, explore, and create. Inspired by Ivan Illich's groundbreaking ideas in "Deschooling Society," I introduce the vision of the Learning Web space—a sanctuary of limitless discovery that transcends traditional education, inviting individuals of all ages to embark on a journey of self-directed learning and uninhibited creativity.
Love these compilations! Thank you ✨