Reschooling Posts // May 14-20, 2023
Coaching & Mentoring Teens with Jason Kantor
May 20, 2023 from Let 'em go Barefoot
Living Without School: A Week in Our Life
May 20, 2023 from Happiness is Here
A whole childhood without school can seem shocking to a lot of people. And no school-at-home either? Outrageous! It can be really hard to imagine unless you’ve seen it. To us, it’s just life. Fun, enjoyable, inspired, and still full of learning. Allow us to show you! At the moment our children are aged 14, 12, 9, and 7. They have never been to school. This is what they got up to this week…
The Breakfast Club Gave Me "Donkey of the Day" || BlackDad Reaction Video
May 19, 2023 from BlackDad
This is my reaction video to the Breakfast Club giving an unschooling family Donkey of the Day. The radio show, The Breakfast Club, features a daily segment where Charlamagne tha god names someone featured in a news article Donkey of the Day for doing something stupid. This Donkey of the Day featured an unschooling family, Matt and Adele Allen. Charlamagne argued that unschooling and child autonomy is irresponsible. He couldn't get over the idea that unschoolers do not force their kids to read and write. Finally, he thought only privileged white people would be "so stupid" to unschool. After seeing this, I had to make a reaction video.
Finding the Truth
May 19, 2023 from Think Again
I am being asked increasingly about whether I recommend various child mental health programmes. I’ve put together this list so that you can evaluate for yourself whether any particular programme is likely to hurt or help your child. Inappropriate interventions can make things worse, and anyone who is offering mental health treatment should be both qualified and regulated.
Managing Perfectionism | Strategies for Parents
May 17, 2023 from Raising Lifelong Learners
It’s important for kids to strive for excellence, have high standards, and value hard work. But high standards are not the same as unrealistic expectations. When our kiddos have perfectionist tendencies or thinking, they can suffer from low self-esteem and a host of other negative consequences.
Podcast: Book Wandering with Anna James
May 17, 2023 from Brave Writer
In the realm of children’s literature, certain authors create captivating worlds that inspire young readers to explore, imagine, and grow. One such author is Anna James, the British writer and journalist based in North London, known for her middle-grade novels series, “Pages and Co.”
Learning in the anthropocene | John Seed on unschooling
May 16, 2023 from Lucy at Life Without School
Lucy AitkenRead interviews John Seed- father of Deep Ecology and father of his unschooled child River.
Does school make you hate learning? You're not alone!
May 15, 2023 from School Survival Blog
It's completely understandable to feel like school is making you hate learning. The strict rules, high pressure, and lack of creativity can make it difficult to feel engaged with the education system. However, it's important to remember that learning is not limited to school. Learning is a natural process that occurs throughout our lives. If you're feeling frustrated with school, remember that this doesn't mean you're not interested in learning. You may just need to find a different approach.
Just Keep Quiet
May 15, 2023 from Think Again
When I’m talking about the stress and anxiety experienced by some young people in school, I’m sometimes told that the answer is more rigorous control. Make the consequences very clear and be consistent. Fewer choices to make, because the rules are so obvious. Quiet orderly classrooms and corridors. If you speak out of turn, you’ll get a detention. Less stress all round.
Learn As You Go
May 15, 2023 from Brave Writer
There’s no expiration date on an education. Lifelong learning means you keep learning for your entire life. Remember: you don’t have to squeeze it all in by 18. Leave some treasures to be discovered in adulthood. I didn’t read Jane Austen until my 30s. What a treat! Not ruined by some English class before I was ready to enjoy her wit and insight.
Me, on CNN (Thanks to My Sister)
May 15, 2023 from Free Range Kids
My sister was watching Michael Smerconish on CNN a few weeks ago. He was interviewing an expert on how social media is wallopping kids’ mental health, and my sister, Hannah, was incensed on my behalf: “They didn’t even talk about overprotection, or kids being in adult-run activities all the time, or how it feels to be treated like a baby when you’re 8 or 10 or 12.”
You Don’t Have to Deschool Everything
May 15, 2023 from Happiness is Here
There’s this belief in unschooling circles that if you feel uncomfortable with something your children are doing, you just need to deschool more. This sounds really good in theory. Challenging our beliefs is good. We want to trust children and their ability to learn and figure out what is right for them. Absolutely!