2.6 my reflection matters with Chemay Morales-James
November 16, 2023 from The Unschool Files
In this episode, you're going to hear from Chemay Morales James - a multi talented organizer and space holder, unschool Mama and Founder of My Reflection Matters Village. She tells us all about how they came to unschooling as a family and what led her to create MRM and the way it grew from a culturally responsive resource library to a Village!
004 Empowering Youth Talk - "What are you bad at and when did you learn that?"
November 16, 2023 from Empowering Youth
Join us for a conversation digging into our diverse experiences in education and in life. When were you labeled bad or good at something in your life? How quickly did that begin to define you and have you worked to let go of that fixed mindset? We get into the topics of learned helplessness, labels, interests and motivation for not engaging, and arbitrary timelines and curriculum.
What Works Can Also Hurt
November 16, 2023 from Think Again
Parents sometimes say to me, but behaviourism seems to work. Shouting at my children is the only thing which stops them hitting their sister. Threatening to take away their iPad works like nothing else. Behaviourism does work on its own terms. That’s why it’s so popular and why it continues to be used. Behaviour does change when children (or adults) are scared enough of the consequences.
Unschooling "Rules": Freedom Leads to Self-Regulation, Episode 355
November 16, 2023 from Living Joyfully with Unschooling
We're back with another episode in our Unschooling “Rules” series. And we use the word “rules” in quotes to draw attention to the fact that there is no such thing as an unschooling rule! It can feel easier to reach for a set of rules to follow, especially when we’re learning something new, but we want to offer you space to look within, to find what makes sense to you and what makes sense to the individual members of your family.
Parenting Gifted Kids with Gail Post Ph.D.
November 15, 2023 from Raising Lifelong Learners
Parenting gifted children presents a distinctive set of challenges, often leading parents to feel isolated in their journey. In the realm of clinical psychology, experts emphasize the importance of acknowledging these difficulties while seeking resources and support.
Emotional Labor with Rose Hackman
November 15, 2023 from Sage Family
Rose Hackman is a British journalist in Detroit, and the author of Emotional Labor, the invisible work shaping our lives and how to claim our power.
[Podcast #211] The Danger in Setting Boundaries
November 15, 2023 from Brave Writer
With the holiday season approaching, I’ve been hearing all kinds of advice about boundary setting. As a grandmother myself, I’ve experienced firsthand how relationships and boundaries evolve with adult children over time. I think what’s missing from most modern conversations about boundaries is how important it is to start from a place of empathy, exploration, and open communication.
Tough or Unconditional Love? Parent or Friend?
November 15, 2023 from Stories of an Unschooling Family
Should we be firm with our kids, demanding they obey us, even if this causes conflict and unhappiness? Perhaps it’s our duty to remember who’s the parent and who’s the child and not be tempted to act as friends to our children. Is the tough love parenting method the most effective way to ensure our kids become responsible and good people?
Brave Writer Precept #6: We Take Risks
November 14, 2023 from Brave Writer
The sixth Brave Writer precept is: We take risks and experiment with methods, knowing we can double back any time to sure footing. When learning becomes stale, the best strategy is to take learning risks, and to experiment with different methods. For instance, what if your child got to pick any page in the math book to work on today? Does it matter if that child knows how to do the problems on that page? It doesn’t! Why?
Consent with Fran Liberatore
November 14, 2023 from Sage Family
Fran is a writer, podcaster, Masters student and ex-educator, as well as an unschooling mother of two children. She advocates for children’s rights and consent-based everything! She lives between Bangkok and Maine.
On the front lines of our double-standards
November 14, 2023 from Radical Mothering
I want to write a bit more expanding on last Monday’s post, because I’ve had so many more thoughts since then! I think that when we talk about the ways children are victims of the violence and war of adults, we risk portraying children as helpless and powerless, and reinforcing the very same ideas and assumptions that our oppressive systems support.
Finding the Flex
November 13, 2023 from Think Again
One of the most important things which adults and young people tell me about is the process of working out how to make a situation work for them. It’s a process of knowing yourself and how you work best, and then finding the flexibilities in your environment which you can use.
"The world does see them differently": Meghan from The Unschool Files on the radical joy of working with teens
November 13, 2023 from Small Places by Eloise Rickman
Join Eloise and Meghan for a conversation on the joys of working with young people, what teenagers lost during the pandemic, muddling through tackling the adultism in our family relationships - and the horrors of living societies where you can buy ‘teen repellent’ devices.
Managing Your Child’s Intensity During the Holidays
November 12, 2023 from Raising Lifelong Learners
Ever since I was a little girl, I looked forward to the holidays. My birthday kicked everything off, followed by Thanksgiving, several other family members’ birthdays, Christmas, New Year’s Eve, and more birthdays. Time was an exciting blur from late November through early January. And then I had kids.