Reschooling Posts // November 13-19, 2022
Big thanks to Fran for putting a call out in her Instagram stories for unschooling podcasts! We’ve got lots of new sources this week :)
Lead with Love with Nicky and Davone Prince
November 19, 2022 from Let 'em go Barefoot
Ham Radio, Unschooling, and Interests... So Many Interests
November 19, 2022 from Copasetic Flow
Here's how it all started: This morning, I trudged out to the park with the little RockMite radio (a single frequency ham radio transceiver that operates at 14.0577 MHz, we'll get to how I can be that certain soon), and started plunking out Morse code in hopes of reaching someone else on the same band. The view was gorgeous, and before too, too long, I made the second contact I'm made in over a decade with WKJ7LVZ in Moab, UT! All of that was great! Also, the scenery over the antenna was pretty gorgeous. And here's where the unschooling interests start.
Standardized Testing and the Destruction of Education
November 17, 2022 from Freedom to Learn (Peter Gray)
Schooling as we have known it for the past couple of centuries or more has never been a great means of education. It relies on coercion. It is premised on the misguided assumption that everyone can and should learn the same things, in the same way, at the same time in their development. It undermines people’s intrinsic curiosity, dulls the natural desire to understand one’s world, and turns learning into drudgery. But schooling was not as bad, decades ago, as it is today.
Homeschooling High School With Interest-Led Learning
November 16, 2022 from Raising Lifelong Learners
There is a misconception that interest led learning is not appropriate for a high school education in your homeschool. The good news is that all the same benefits of interest-led learning still apply in the middle and high school years. One of the first objections I hear from parents has to do with creating a transcript as a record of your interest-led approach. Please, let me assure you, this is not only doable, but many of us have found that a high school transcript filled with advanced studies in particular topics of interests is actually more impressive to potential universities.
Radical Responsibility, Radical Joy with Emma Hosfeld
November 16, 2022 from Let 'em go Barefoot
How Are You Able To Work And Homeschool? With Erika Brown
November 16, 2022 from Honey! I’m Homeschooling the Kids
“How are you able to work AND homeschool your boys?” Erika Brown is asked this question at least once a week as they are out and about meeting people. Unfortunately, society pushes the idea that women must either work outside of the home or stay at home. The idea of doing both seems to be a foreign concept. Erika chooses to reject that ideology while being a part of a generation that blazes new trails and refuses to settle.
Ep 258: Origin Stories | Remembering Some, Releasing Others
November 16, 2022 from Fare of the Free Child
What is your connection to your origin story? Do you feel tied to your origin in ways that feel good and grounding? Or do you feel tethered to something that doesn't quite feel like you? What do you think about when you read or hear the words Origin Story, anyway?
Psychiatrist to Parents: Don’t Gloom Up Your Kids!
November 16, 2022 from Free Range Kids
Samantha Boardman is a psychiatrist, professor, mom, author of Everyday Vitality AND an executive board member at Let Grow. We brought her in because of posts like this, snatched from her blog, Positive Prescription (which I highly recommend!): “According to a recent paper published in the Journal of Positive Psychology, many parents assume incorrectly that teaching their children that the world is a bad place is best for them. In fact, 92% thought that seeing the world as safe to very safe will not prepare their children to navigate the world.”
The power of intrinsic motivation, and how to help your child connect with theirs
November 15th, 2022 from ASDE
The house is quietly busy right now. In the last year, my eldest son has gotten majorly into martial arts and sports, and has created a strenuous daily workout routine that he does at home. Whatever the time of day, he’s likely to be found doing squats in the kitchen or planks on the living room floor. When not engaged in this punishing regime, he is probably immersed in his language practice which, right now, is likely to consist of poring over YouTube, deciphering song lyrics.
200: Bonus: Outsourcing with Amir Nathoo
November 14, 2022 from Homeschool Unrefined
Join us as we talk all about outsourcing in our homeschools with Amir Nathoo, CEO of Outschool.
Traveling with Kids Who Struggle with Anxiety
November 14, 2022 from Raising Lifelong Learners
As a mom of child with anxiety, I know that the disruptions to routines caused by travel can be the start of all sorts of problems. We love traveling, and try to take advantage of short trips near and far for fun, and to enhance our homeschooling. But, since we’re raising four kids, two of whom struggle with anxiety, our trips take a bit of extra planning to make sure our anxious children have confidence when they’re embarking on new adventures.
How Do Children Learn When They Don't Go to School?
November 14, 2022 from Think Again (Naomi Fisher)
Most people have no idea what child development and education looks like outside school when young people have autonomy.I've been told that children will endlessly move from whim to whim, or that they'll never learn to set goals or work hard. Here's what actually happens. Young self-directed children play. They play in a wide range of ways, and they often play in unconventional ways. Their play becomes more sophisticated as they get older, but it's still play.
#30 Four different journeys - as our unschoolers become adults, with Erin Rosemond
November 13 2022 from The Unschool Space
Today I’m chatting with Erin Rosemond in Ontario, Canada. Erin has four children, who are now aged between 17 and 23. Erin came to unschooling when her oldest child reached school age, after connecting with home educating parents and realising that school would be a bad fit for her son. Today we talk about what unschooling looks like as our children get older. How highly individualised it is to each child and their particular interests, and how their own motivation moves them naturally forward on their path.