Reschooling Posts // September 10-16, 2023
52. When Your Co-Parent Isn’t in Deschooling Flow
September 15, 2023 from Radical Learning Talks
What happens when our partner or co-parent doesn't seem on board with unschooling? Or, they say they're on board, but they don't seem to understand and/or engage in the deschooling process. And what does being “on board” even mean? In this episode we share our experience and perspective about the traps we can find ourselves in when we feel we aren’t in flow with our partners in our unschooling journey and how we can repeat the very systems of power that we are trying to step away from.
All the podcasts for homeschooling, unschooling and partnering with your children (that I love).
September 15, 2023 from Radical Mothering
Hey! I don’t know about you, but I LOVE a good podcast - I listen while I take long walks, cook, clean, fold laundry.. I mean, there are a ton of opportunities to put a podcast in your ears! Here’s another thing about podcasts: when we choose to take the road less travelled, whether that’s homeschooling or counter-cultural parenting or whatever it is for you, we need someone in our ear reaffirming that what we’re doing is okay.
Can Radical Unschoolers Use Chore Rosters?
September 15, 2023 from Stories of an Unschooling Family
When I was a child, I had two ambitions: I wanted to live to be 100 and, when I grew up, I wanted a maid to look after my home and family. Well, I’m still on track to reach 100, though that number no longer seems important, but I’ve never had a maid, my very own Alice, even though I have a bigger-than-Brady-sized family.
2.5 finding their self at ALC NYC with Mel Compo
September 14, 2023 from The Unschool Files
in the 5th episode of season 2, a series on SDE spaces and the tools and frameworks they use to meet the unique needs of their communities; Meghan chatted with Mel Compo about Agile Learning Centers and their beautiful story of partnering with youth, finding their self and belonging at ALC New York.
What Happens When A Child Isn't Fine At School?
September 14, 2023 from Think Again
I am still hearing from parents who tell me that when their child is unhappy at school or reluctant to go, the advice from professionals is to make home less pleasant. They’re told not to interact with them too much during school hours, to restrict their access to activities they enjoy. A book for professionals tells parents to create an atmosphere of ‘solitary confinement’ around their children if they don’t attend school.
The Power of Connecting with Your Kids in Homeschooling
September 13, 2023 from Raising Lifelong Learners
If you want to have an amazing homeschool and to create an environment where your kids can thrive, building a strong relationship with them is key. Truly, you can never overdo the connection with your kids! We, as parents, can often get caught up in the academics of homeschooling and forget that we can always catch up on the school stuff. We can remediate, find tutors, and explore extra learning resources whenever it’s necessary, but if we neglect our relationships with our kids or damage their self-esteem, learning won’t happen.
The School that Tells Its Brainiacs: Do Not Come to Class! Have Fun!
September 11, 2023 from Free Range Kids
At the tippy-top science high school in the Philippines, kids get classes only four days a week. They’ve got every Wednesday off — to spend time at their favorite school club. Lino Salvana is a 10th grade student at the Philippine Science High School Main Campus in Quezon City. He explained to us why he loves club day so much:
Get in Sync with Your Child
September 11, 2023 from Brave Writer
The key to fostering a love of learning in children is giving up our need to control the outcome. Today: let’s be present to what shows up. When you give your kids something to do, what would it take to stop the automatic image that pops into your mind—the mental yardstick of how the task should turn out? How can you be with the real child today?
Less than 90%
September 11, 2023 from Think Again
The rhetoric on school attendance gets ever stronger. Banners are posted around schools, telling young people that every minute missed will damage their chances in life – for ever. Parents are fined and threatened with court and told they are denying their children a good start if they don’t drag them in – literally, in some cases. In their pyjamas. The children’s commissioner says the best place for every child is in school.