Reschooling Posts // September 3-9, 2023
Unschooling "Rules": Unschooling is Child-Led, Episode 353
September 7, 2023 from Living Joyfully with Unschooling
We're back with another episode in the Unschooling "Rules" series! We use the word "rules" in quotes to draw attention to the fact that there is no such thing as an unschooling rule! It can feel easier to reach for a set of rules to follow, especially when we’re learning something new, but we want to offer you space to look within, to find what makes sense to you and what makes sense to the individual members of your family.
Should We Push Kids to Use Their Talents, Aim High and Impress?
September 7, 2023 from Stories of an Unschooling Family
Do you ever wonder if you should push your kids? Make them do hard things even if they complain. Drill them. Give them a rigorous education. I’ve heard of kids who, after receiving that kind of education, are now surgeons and lawyers or have some other kind of high-status career. Wouldn’t it be good to say, “My daughter is a doctor!”? We wouldn’t have to prove we did an excellent job homeschooling our kids. It would be obvious.
[Podcast] Gentle Parenting, Natural Learning, and Simple Living with Rachel Rainbolt
September 6, 2023 from Brave Writer
Meet Rachel Rainbolt, the visionary founder of Sage Family and one of my favorite homeschoolers. With a master’s degree in marital and family therapy, Rachel has spent years guiding overwhelmed families toward peace and joy. Living on an idyllic island in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and three spirited children, Rachel embodies the essence of a life well-lived, focusing on: gentle parenting, natural homeschooling, and simple living.
Self-Care and Co-Regulation | Balancing Parenting and Sensory Needs
September 6, 2023 from Raising Lifelong Learners
In this episode of the podcast, host Colleen Kessler is joined by Sarah Collins, an occupational therapist and homeschool mom. Together, they delve into parenting with sensory needs and challenges while homeschooling neurodivergent children. This episode aims to provide valuable insights and practical tips for parents in similar situations, recognizing the importance of self-care and co-regulation in raising healthy, well-adjusted children.
Where schooling culture & diet culture meet.
September 5, 2023 from Radical Mothering
It’s Back to School week for many of us - and Not Back to School for others! And it feels like a good time to talk a bit about the culture we build around schooling - schooling culture. Schooling is not only a thing we do, it is also a culture. Because schooling is ubiquitous, and for many it is seen as “the norm”, the authority on learning and education - it has, in the process, unintentionally (or some might say intentionally) created a culture attached to itself.
Low Demand Parenting with Amanda Diekman
September 5, 2023 from Sage Parenting
Amanda is an autistic adult, parent coach and author in the neurodiversity space with a new Low Demand Parenting book, online courses, and a vibrant membership community. She lives with her husband and three neurodivergent children in an intentional community in Durham, NC.
#47 Consent-based parenting around the globe, with Fran Liberatore
September 5, 2023 from The Unschool Space
My guest today is Fran Liberatore. Fran is Italian but lives with her family between Bangkok, Maine and Sicily. Her children are now aged 10 and 12 and If you’d like to hear more from Fran you can also hear her in episode 12 of the podcast a couple of years ago.
“Independence Therapy” in The New York Times! And Me, Too!
September 4, 2023 from Free Range Kids
It is not a new observation that today’s kids are increasingly in adult-run classes, clubs, sports. Or they’re inside, online, instead of riding bikes, or collecting rocks, or talking to some rando. “While there could be many reasons our kids are suffering, what if the problem was simply this: Kids are growing up so over-protected that they’re scared of the world?”
(Not) Saying No
September 4, 2023 from Think Again
Most parents don’t want their children to say no. We want the enthusiastic “Yes’s”, not the ‘Not for me thanks”’. We are disappointed when they refuse, or when after they’ve tried something, they say they don’t want to go back. We see quitting as a defeat.
Dramatic Changes in Teen Suicide Rates Over Seven Decades
September 3, 2023 from Freedom to Learn
There has been much press recently about the rise in suicides among teens over the past few years. In order, quite literally, to get a picture of these data, and to see how recent years compare with past decades, and to see how the rates differ between young males and young females, I compiled data from records kept by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to create the following graph, along with a table of the data shown in the graph.
Whole Life Education
September 3, 2023 from Brave Writer
Homeschooling is more than an education for kids. It’s a life-practice. It’s a path, a way, a philosophy of living that guides, well, everything while you are living a homeschool life. What would happen if we stopped seeing learning as confined to “school hours”? What if all of a child’s life could be celebrated as the laboratory for learning?